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Mar 11th 2021
BE GUIDED @MaziNnamdiKanu. Ahead 2023, restrategise to pull the political strings in Alaigbo with the #YouthPower you got.

Your men- ESN clashed with soldiers/police in Orlu axis leading to loss of lives. But innocent people are now charged for murder?👇…
2/ Since Jan 22, 2021 that joint taskforce of @HQNigerianArmy, @PoliceNG & DSS invaded Orlu & its environs abducting innocent men & women, with 9 now being charged for murder, how many Igbo Politicians, paid with tax payers money- Govs, Senators, Reps, etc have reacted? ImageImage
3/ NONE! I've reached out to SE Senators to intervene on the @PoliceNG incarceration of innocent Umuigbo, but zilch.

Dear @MaziNnamdiKanu, conceding that ESN is a security stop-gap, it needs the legitimacy of law. Will cowards masquerading as leaders in Alaigbo support you? NO! ImageImage
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