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Mar 7th 2021
@Gawad_Nephro 1. Djenkolic acid is a common kidney toxin found in buah #djenkol also known as #jering and in smaller quantities in buah #kerdas or #genuak #kidneymyths #WorldKidneyDay
@Gawad_Nephro Consumption of sufficient quantities of either #djenkol or #kerdas can cause loin pain, a milky white urine, blood in your urine and your kidneys to fail. This is thought to happen via formation of tiny crystals within your kidney and Urine. #kidneymyths #WorldKidneyDay
@Gawad_Nephro 2. Another fruit to avoid if you are have advanced chronic kidney disease or are on dialysis is starfruit (belimbing) . In south east asia there are two forms of the fruit #WorldKidneyDay #kidneymyths
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