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Feb 25th 2019
Absolutely, Anuradha! We had quite the discussion the other day. Introspecting as employers is probably the first but significant step towards bringing recognition & rights in the space of #domesticworkersinindia (1/n)
#DomesticWorkers #DomesticWorkersBill
In the traditional breadwinner & caregiver roles, men made money & women tended to home. As women stepped out to work & with affordability, the caregiving tasks were outsourced. Our disrespect for domestic work continued. We didn't value it earlier, we don't value it now (2/n)
Our collective disrespect for domestic work, which comes out in our introduction of homemakers ("she doesn't work"), makes us apathetic to this work. India does not recognise #domesticwork as work yet. (3/n)
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