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In 2005, a group of friends reportedly got lost in an "empty city" while traveling Europe. Their train to Prague made an unexpected stop, and they got off in a nameless town. Buildings were solid, windowless. "There was a crowd, but no people in it. They moved like clockwork." Image
Empty cars drove in synchrony, without need for traffic lights. Streets had no names. Billboard ads showed senseless items.
One of them would describe the place as "the idea of a city."
They left after waiting in the station for an entire day, until a real train arrived.
//#Eerievember2021 Prompt 25: Localized Mimic Town (Prague, 2005). Using a picture from Chmee2 on Wikimedia for the faces.

Fun fact: the billboard images are AI-generated! Much like the city, they're just *ideas* of things, with no real substance. And now, a couple close-ups! ImageImage
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Skeleton recovered from the Le Lanchon experiments on human evolution.
In these tests, volunteers were subjected to procedures to "accelerate the development of mankind". No subject is recorded to have survived. Their crab-like form is thought to be an instance of carcinization.
//#Eerievember2021 Prompt 9: Rapid Evolution Echo Chamber.
Now, here's what happens when I base a whole story on a meme. Let us all pray we one day advance to crab, our final and perfect form. Claws up! 🦀
Nearly forgot to attribute the image source! Base image is from Flominator on Wikimedia, taken at the Smithsonian's Osteology collection.
And don't forget:
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Calcium hyperproficiency is a rare complication of vitamin D deficiency, where excess calcium from bone resorption forms complex structures resembling primary teeth.
Neoformed teeth grow on different bones, such as this patient's hand, causing fractures and joint dysfunction. Image
//#Eerievember2021 Prompt 8: Calcium Hyperproficiency
Image sources: DVIDS, Coronation Dental Specialty Group.
Since I already see some of the reactions coming, I just want to make it very clear: this is Photoshop! Calcium Hyperproficiency is not real and you shouldn't worry.
I love horrifying all my followers with some body horror from time to time.
When I'm done with my two main stories I'm planning on doing a whole series using this kind of medical horror!
In the meantime, enjoy this recent teeth-related image:
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