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Thank you for playing eFootball™ 2022.

We have received lots of feedback and questions on eFootball™ 2022 from our users, and in response we would like to introduce some of the planned updates after version 1.1.0 onwards.
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- Lobby Match in which users can create rooms online and play matches between teams created in Dream Team is scheduled to be available after summer 2022
- Some editing functions will be available in winter 2022
- Cross-platform across consoles and PC will be available in winter 2022
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[#eFootball2022 story] Exactly one year ago, Kei Masuda was leading the "Next-Gen PES" project. It was already over two years in production. His plan was to write a next-gen PES from scratch for Unreal Engine. But at some point over the past year, Seitaro Kimura convinced KONAMI,
[#eFootball2022 story] ...that the future of the franchise was in a CROSS-GEN game, not a next-gen one. After all, mobile users were the only weapon Konami could use to stop EA's dominance with FIFA. Bringing mobile users would mean having way more players available online....
[#eFootball2022 story] ...and modes like FUT/MyClub were where EA & KONAMI were making most their money from. The financial success of the game depended on the success of MyClub, and without enough players online, matchmaking will take forever and players will abandon the mode...
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Ahead of our next major #eFootball announcement, we wanted to briefly answer common questions that we've seen! Much more to follow this month 🤩

Thread below 👇
Q: Is eFootball™ just a mobile game for consoles?

A: eFootball™ is developed first for consoles but is a platform for everyone to enjoy. The game will take full advantage of the hardware capabilities of each supported device.
Q: Will next-gen graphics be downgraded to play against mobile users?

A: We will make graphical adjustments to the mobile version but the next-generation graphics on consoles and PC will not be downgraded.
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