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Jun 9th 2021
Hello! The next session I'm live tweeting for you from #quality2021 ( is "Creativity as core in QI - using the Arts to empower and build co-production". It will run until 13.00GMT. We're hearing from Polly Bowler and Leanne Sedin about work at @NHS_ELFT
Amy Price is introducing the session. Says we'll be hearing about the East London Foundation Trust's #ELFTin1Voice projects. Polly Bowler is Head of Arts Therapies for ELFT’s Bedfordshire & Luton. Says improving lives is the aim of what they do. #quality2021
Bowler is talking about the 1Voice choir project, which is run in partnership with Sing Tower Hamlets community Choir. She stresses that the project is open to all, and helps to bring together people and provides a way to discuss difficult things #quality2021
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