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Oct 28th 2022
1.Friday’s 🧵is all about Eels. The species we have in 🇮🇪 is Anguilla anguilla, the #EuropeanEel, not to be confused with other Anguilla species (such as the American eel), or indeed the mighty Congor eel (Congor congor). The photo is a bit blurred because....😱 Image
2.European eel can be found in almost every stream and river in Europe, from the top of Norway, to the bottom of Spain, and also along the coast of North Africa Map of the distribution of ...
3. Eels are catadromous which means that they spawn in the sea, and then travel back to freshwater. (Anadromous species like salmon and trout spawn in freshwater before migrating to the sea) Thanks to Filipe Romão for this informative infographic Life cycles of migratory fi...
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