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Jun 15th 2021
The 🇪🇺🇺🇸 can thrive only when there is a strong transatlantic bond.

Today, the #EUUSsummit is the first in-person meeting since 2017.

Both Allies must prove they are the driving force in fighting climate change, confronting autocracies and ensuring fair international trade.

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US President Joe Biden is a reliable ally of Europe.
We do not have to agree on everything but we can do many things together:

✅strengthen democracies;
✅fight tax evasion;
✅ show a united front towards Russia and China.

“We can only win by working together. Jointly, we must strengthen our democracies, including through sensible regulation of social media, to complete the deal to eliminate tax havens and to develop a common position on China,” says our MEP @sikorskiradek.
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