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May 3rd 2020
Indian Communists Called Netaji ‘A Running Dog of Japanese General Tojo’

Communists derided Netaji as running dog of imperialism when he defied the Communist call for support to the British during World War II.
They, through the mouthpiece of the undivided CPI, hurled choicest epithets against Netaji, variously describing him as a cur held up by Goebbles, the running dog of Japanese general Tojo, the donkey carrying Tojo, a midget being led by a Japanese imperialist, and as a
mere mask of the Japanese imperialist ogre. On the 105th birth anniversary of Netaji, then West Bengal Chief Minister and CPI (M) leader Buddhadev Bhattacharjee admitted that the communists had misunderstood Subhash Chandra Bose's actions during India's freedom struggle. He said
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