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Jun 27th 2022
@MarilynRMarks1 @princesspbbaby @CChampion_Z06 The levels of subjective hearing and vision aren't astounding.

Her NO reply to @RepAdamSchiff was correct and honest as I recall re the supervisors who'd been there that very night: when everyone was told to wrap it up and leave, they all did so swiftly.
@MarilynRMarks1 @princesspbbaby @CChampion_Z06 @RepAdamSchiff Short thereafter, someone at @GaSecofState ofc advised a high lvl #FultonCoGA EO: Rob Pittman(?) ballot counting MUST continue. Msg conveyed to SFA as Ruby & Shay(?) were among few not departed. Tired yet dedicated to democracy, they began unpacking ballots beneath tables.
@MarilynRMarks1 @princesspbbaby @CChampion_Z06 @RepAdamSchiff @GaSecofState βœπŸ—³βš–

As stated, I write from memory. Reading the many reports in @ajc print and digital and local ATL TV at the time.

It's very likely I've erred, but keep in mind I'm not writing from a definitive position of Guilty OR Not Guilty: that's cooked.

They served with honor.
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