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"Mounding Jamey" (Part 1): Lance wants his boyfriend Jamey to undergo a new medical procedure called "mounding," that surgically internalizes the boy's genitals. Tucked away inside a newly formed "mound," they are safe from any mischief. #mounding #genitalmodification Image
"Mounding Jamey" (Part 2): Jamey isn't sure that he wants to be mounded, but the idea secretly excites him, making him cum. What would it be like to lose access to his own cock? #mounding #genitalmodifcation ImageImage
"Mounding Jamey" (Part 3): Lance has taken his boyfriend Jamey to the clinic to get him mounded. Jamey's still a bit nervous, but the doctor explains how simple and easy the procedure will be. #mounding #genitalmodification ImageImageImageImage
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