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Jun 9th 2021
1) On 09th June 1994: KAMBANDA government approved strong measures to continue the acceleration of "Auto Defense -Civile " . 50,000 000Frw was spent in the acceleration of Tutsi killing through "Auto defense Killing "
#GenocideNecerAgain #Kwibuka27
2) The diary Minister of local government ,Edward KAREMERA of June 09, 1994 shows that on this date the government meeting convened to asses the use of Fifty millions Rwandans Francs (50,000,000Frw), which had been disbursed by the government in the context of the implementing
3) of the Prime Minister JEAN KAMBANDA of May 25,1994 on the expedition of the Genocide . In order to continue supporting the "Auto defense civile " program,the cabinet meeting held on June 09,1994 called on the National Bank (BNR) to reconsider how Account No120.12.13 allocated
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