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Dec 24th 2021
.@Twitter went into a tizzy earlier this week after a “Wheel of Fortune” contestant narrowly missed the final puzzle due to a technicality. The woman, Charlene Rubush, would have won an Audi Q3 on Tuesday, though she took too long to offer the complete right answer. — @Motor1com
However, Audi is stepping up to gift Rubush a new 2021 Q3 anyway.
“In the spirit of the holidays, we are thrilled to gift Charlene with an all-new Audi Q3,” said Tara Rush, Audi of America Chief Marketing Officer. “It is the season of giving after all and, technicality or not, we are always eager to share a bit of Audi magic and cheer!”
Read 10 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
Come on @WheelofFortune, the woman literally chose the right word. Give her the car.
@WheelofFortune And now we wait
Now I'm wondering if she had just stretched out the word "riiiiiiiiiight," would that have counted as a continuous answer? I understand rules are rules but this seems like a particularly dumb rule. C'mon Wheel, it's Christmas.
Read 11 tweets

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