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Jul 13th 2020
Each week this summer we'll do a #GrapeSpotlight thread on one of our grapes. This week: #Viognier. Did you know:

Viognier's powerful aromas of peaches, apricots, and violets make it one of the most recognizable grapes. It has full body, low acid and is best drunk young. 1/
Viognier is ancient. According to legend, Roman Emperor Probus imported Viognier into Condrieu from Dalmatia in 281 AD to replace vineyards destroyed by Vespasian, who tore up the local vineyards after a revolt that he attributed to drinking too much of the native wine.⁠ 2/
By the 1960's, Viognier plantings had dwindled to just 15 acres in Condrieu and 35 acres world-wide. But driven by the interest in the rich, heady wines of Condrieu, plantings in France have grown to more than 10,800 acres... growth of more than 30,000% in half a century!⁠ 3/
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