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Nov 15th 2022
The Mayor & his ppl should stop dodging & set regulations to fully implement/enforce Local Law 97. He must choose working people, not the real estate lobby. Tens of thousands of jobs & massive pollution cuts - plus NYC’s continued nat’l leadership- are at stake. #GreenNewDeal4NYC
The Administration should use its authority under the law to limit RECs as a compliance mechanism with the law to:
1. only up only up to 30% of the pollution *over* a building’s cap, and 2. only pollution generated from electrical use.
If the Admin doesn’t believe it has the authority - and it does - then the Mayor should immediately support this position and work with the Council to set it into place as law. But to re-emphasize: they should make this rule.

Stop dodging! There’s too much at stake.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
I got a bunch of questions yesterday: what’s next in the process on Local Law 97?

1. This particular (big) rule-making is primarily items that must be set into place by the end of the year, as per LL97. This rule will be finalized by then. Major action looms:
2. Rule-making is governed by city law. The administration develops a proposed rule, then vets it with the law dept. Then they propose it in the city record. This is that page: It’s the city’s version of when the EPA or something makes a rule/regulation.
3. After the rule is formally posted, there’s a 30 day public comment period and a public hearing. Yesterday’s public hearing (what a turnout from LL97 supporters!) was the hearing on this proposed rule.
Read 18 tweets

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