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Jul 24th 2020
People often ask me “so what exactly does a transfusion consultant do?” (and often I ask myself the same question!). This week I have…
Seen and spoken to patients with congenital bone marrow disorders, iron deficiency, myeloprofilerative disorders, ITP, secondary polycythemia, autoimmune neutropenia and a variety of abnormal counts
Given advice around blood provision for a patient undergoing bone marrow transplant with a D mismatched donor
Read 27 tweets
Feb 28th 2018
Now @h4yder talking on transfusion reactions. @BritSocHaem guidelines here… #BSHTIP
Hydrocortisone grossly overused. Glad to see our delegates are not routinely giving "H&P" for transfusion reactions or as a premed... #BSHTIP
Patient becoming unwell during the transfusion - it may be completely unrelated to the transfusion- never assume! #BSHTIP
Read 13 tweets
Jun 13th 2017
Last week we had a #haemSpR training day. First up haemolytic anaemia.
Comprehensive BSH guidelines here…
and here…
Can the #haemSpRs tell me what a DAT is and what it means?
Read 16 tweets

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