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Jan 19th 2023
When people think of Dolly Parton, they think of an actress or a singer, but did you know that she’s quietly helped millions of children to read?

Here’s how she did it.

A Goodable Thread. 🧵

#HappyBirthdayDolly A black and white photo of Dolly Parton witting on a chair,
This is Sevierville, Tennessee.

It has a population of 18,600.

In 1990, the town’s high school dropout rate was 54% – one of the highest in the country.

Dolly was born in Sevierville and unlike other megastars, she never forgot where she came from.

So here’s what she did.
One year, she invited all fifth and sixth graders to Dollywood.

She told them to pick a buddy, and then made them a deal: If both of them graduated, they would each get $500 on their graduation day.

After a few years, the dropout rate fell – but Dolly wanted to do more. A closeup of 2 kids holding hands.
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