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Oct 10th 2021
props to #HometownChaChaChaEp14 for perfectly executing what it's like to have a mental health disease, it's never a one talk-one counseling thing, it's A LINGERING feeling, hence the snippets every ep of how it slowly kills Du Sik
Hometown ChaChaCha has always been said to be a healing drama, from the start it is one's prerogative to be fixated in Dusik's problem when it was never the point of the whole drama. Personally, I think it being in the latter eps is just the perfect timing. #HometownChaChaChaEp14
It perfectly showed how the thing that's been killing you will always be there at the back of your mind whether u're happy, sad, or just plainly living. This is HomeCha for me. It was never intended to be an over the top dramatic twist. It's realistic. #HometownChaChaChaEp14
Read 8 tweets
Sep 19th 2021
My heart just exploded.

#HometownChaChaChaEp8 #HometownChaChaCha Image
He doesn’t know how to let someone take care of him and she is ignoring it and doing it anyway aghhhhhhhhhhh

#HometownChaChaChaEp8 #HometownChaChaCha
She just took his temperature and ignored him and walked inside his house!!!! Ahahahaha!

#HometownChaChaChaEp8 #HometownChaChaCha
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