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Nov 12th 2022
Here are some highest dividend-paying Indian stocks

1. #INEOSStyrolution India Ltd

In the past one year, the company has paid out dividends of ₹297 its share price is currently at ₹825 hence it has a dividend yield of almost 34%. Its share price has fallen by 40% in 1 yr
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2. #Vedanta Ltd

The company gave ₹77.5 as dividends in the last one year and its current share price stands at ₹311.95. Therefore it has had a 26.5% dividend yield in the year 2022. Its stock has largely overall not given much returns, with a fall of 1% in the last 1 yr.
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3. #IndianOilCorporation Ltd

The dividend yield of the company stands at 16.8% given that it paid a dividend of ₹11.4 in the past twelve months while its current share price stands at ₹69.80. Its stock price, however, has fallen by 22.13% in the last one year.
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