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A thread abt "D" a refuser of Israeli military service, because "D" has seen through the lies and brainwashing of Israeli education. "D" is anonymous, so no images. But do read & share D's story.
#IsraeliOccupation #IsraeliApartheid
I’m “D”. I’m a 25 years old Israeli conscientious objector. I don’t feel comfortable disclosing my name but I want to share my story with you. I have already served 5 days under arrest in an Israeli military base and another 14 days in military prison because.......
.....I refuse to serve the Israeli military. Some people might say I’m a traitor. After all, since I moved to this country a couple of years ago when I was a kid I have been given so much. And, some might say, now that it’s my time to give something in return,
Read 17 tweets
📚The indifference is the deadweight of history. The indifference operates with great power on history. The indifference operates passively, but it operates. It is fate, that which cannot be counted on. It twists programs and ruins the best-conceived plans. 🧵
It is the raw material that ruins intelligence. That what happens, the evil that weighs upon all, happens because the human mass abdicates to their will;
allows laws to be promulgated that only the revolt could nullify, and leaves men that only a mutiny will be able to overthrow to achieve the power.
Quote from Antonio Gramsci, “I hate the indifferent”, from the magazine “La città futura” (1917).
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1/ Sholat di Al Aqsa

Turis2 Indonesia yang datang ke Al Aqsa, sepertinya, bawa cerita baik2saja. Malah, ada buzzer yg diajak halan2 ke sana, bawa cerita, "Ga ada konflik tuh di sana, semua damai2 aja! Yang perang itu teroris2!"

Tapi, kisahnya berbeda utk orang Palestina. Image
2/Untuk bisa masuk kawasan Al Aqsa, mereka harus melewati posko2 militer Zionis. Kadang boleh lewat, kadang tidak. Ini kejadian kemarin. Ribuan org yg ingin sholat di Masjidil Aqsa, tertahan di posko militer Qalandiya.
Tapi para pemukim Zionis, bebas saja.
@muhammadshehad2 ImageImage
3/ Orang2 Palestina yg ingin masuk Masjidil Al Aqsa sbnrnya sdg menunjukkan keberanian&resistensi mrk. Karena, setiap saat serdadu Zionis bisa menembak atau memukuli mereka).

Ini anak2 muda yg mau masuk ke kawasan Al Aqsa dg memanjat tembok apartheid.
@ShehabAgency. Image
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Today the Labour leadership pressured Kim Johnson MP to withdraw remarks she made suggesting the Israeli Government contains fascists and that Israel practises apartheid. This was predictable but nonetheless shameful. Here’s why: (1/6)
Predictable because it matches with Keir Starmer's refusal to accept the overwhelming evidence of Israel’s practice of apartheid, as presented by Palestinian civil society, legal experts and human rights organisations including @amnesty. (2/6)
Shameful because it reinforces complicity with the injustices being perpetrated on Palestinians by refusing even to name them. (3/6)
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🚨1. Powerful open letters, ahead of the #ASP21, sent by 198 Palestinain, regional and international civil society organisations to the @IntlCrimCourt's Prosecutor @KarimKhanQC and the #ICC Assembly of States Parties President, @PASPFernandez🧵

#NGOVoices… ImageImage
2. Both letters called on them to condemn Israel's brazen designations of the 6 renowned Palestinian civil society organisations as "terrorists" and its raids of their offices which amounts to “tampering with or interfering with the collection of evidence.”

#StandWithThe6 Image
3. The letter to Prosecutor highlighted last year's significant missed opportunities to issue statements on the situation in Palestine, citing his office's policy paper providing for deterrent preventive statements that allow his Office to"react promptly to upsurges of violence." Image
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THREAD: Over night, Israeli soldiers invaded the Palestinian city of Nablus, killing 5 young Palestinians and injuring at least 22 others. Image
For two weeks, heavily armed Israeli soldiers have surrounded Nablus and blocked all of the city's entrances and exits, trapping the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who live there inside. After ensuring that Palestinians in Nablus can’t flee, (Cont)
Israeli soldiers have been invading their neighborhoods and homes, killing Palestinians at will.
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#chronicillness Twitter to doctor advocates
-you’re only speaking out because you’re sick yourself
-now you know what it’s like (implication- all of us neglected & psychologised patients before. NOT true- some of us just did our best within a system stacked against us)
-you need to mention ‘x’ disease as well. (We’re learning as fast as we can. Remember we are sick too. Some of us are bed-bound lying in darkened rooms. You know how much energy it takes to speak up)
-don’t dabble in areas you know nothing about. (In my case #Palestine. Being a chronic illness advocate doesn’t make me a one-trick pony. I’ve visited the West Bank & witnessed firsthand the horrors of #IsraeliApartheid. So I will speak up- I’m not here for anyone’s comfort
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THREAD: It's Ramadan. Palestinians should be able to celebrate and spend time with family in safety, but instead, Palestinians live in constant fear of Israel's brutal daily violence.
6 children lost their mother today. Israeli soldiers shot and killed the woman, who is visually impaired, as she walked in her hometown near Bethlehem.

Info here:…
Israeli soldiers shot and killed another Palestinian woman near Hebron. Why are Israeli soldiers invading and occupying Palestinian land in the first place?

Israel's oppression and colonialism is the root of all violence.
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This morning @haaretzcom had this map of #Israel printed, which accurately reflects its borders, not including the occupied #Palestinian territory (West Bank - while including Jerusalem, which it shouldn't have - and Gaza) and the occupied #Syrian Golan. Image
The outraged reactions to this simple depiction of legal realities demonstrates the extent to which annexation of occupied territory is the norm for mainstream Israeli audiences, not to be questioned or challenged.
It is the same people who reject claims of #IsraeliApartheid, that are happy to admit #Israeli acquisition of territory by use of force, in serious breach of peremptory norms of international law #juscogens under Article 2 @UN Charter. Image
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@ZounaidOsman I wonder who knows the secrets of many of the world's politicians...
@ZounaidOsman Who could apply pressure in just the right places to oust leaders and promote their agenda?
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Extracting false confessions on non-existent crimes by torturing Palestinians, including kids has always been the zionist occupation standard.
You can watch a decent documentary on the subject in the link below.…
Deranged, yet unsurprising.
The problem has NEVER been the government, which zios especially liberal ones claim.
It is in fact the people themselves.
As the "israeli" president admitted
“It is time to honestly admit that Israeli society is sick”

Read 130 tweets
Orang yang dah mati pun tidak selamat dari kejahatan Zionis.

Semalam dengan menggunakan jentolak, Zionis mengorek dan meratakan Perkuburan Yusufiyyah milik orang Islam di Al-Aqsa Dengan tujuan untuk membina taman!

Gambar menunjukkan tulang² dari sebuah kubur yang telah digali.
Tulang tulang milik orang Islam yang bertaburan dari kubur mereka setelah Zionis menggali dan meratakannya dengan jentolak. Jahatnya mereka! #IsraeliCrimes
#IsraeliTerrorists #SavePalestine #SaveAqsa
“Hidup di Al-Quds adalah kamu akan hidup dalam kebimbangan yang berterusan terhadap ahli keluargamu sama ada mereka masih hidup atau telah mati.”

Ala' Nabatibah melihat kubur anaknya yang telah dikorek oleh Zionis. Hancur hati seorang ibu. #IsraeliCrimes #IsraeliApartheid
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Semalam @IDF menyalakan lampu pink sebagai solidariti terhadap pesakit kanser.

Ironinya adalah mereka membunuh puluhan pesakit kanser Palestin.

Setiap tahun @Israel menolak 50% permohonan rakyat Gaza untuk keluar mendapatkan rawatan & turut menghalang kemasukan ubat ubatan. Image
Muhammad Abu Taha (21 Tahun), penghidap kanser usus. Ketika sampai ke sempadan Gaza bersama ayahnya pihak berkuasa Israel menahan ayahnya dan menghalang Muhammad daripada keluar. 10 hari selepas itu Muhammad meninggal dunia. #IsraeliCrimes #IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliTerrorists Image
Mac 2017. Khudul Al-Saidni (36 tahun), pesakit kanser & ibu kepada 2 orang anak. Beliau memohon visa untuk keluar mendapatkan rawatan di Al-Quds. Tetapi permohonan beliau tidak diluluskan dan beliau kemudian meninggal dunia. #IsraeliCrimes #IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliTerrorists Image
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La violenza dei coloni e la complicità dei militari non possono essere attribuite a un singolo generale israeliano.
Il disprezzo per la vita umana nasce prima del suo arrivo. ⬇1/18

#IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #IsraeliOccupation #13Agosto…
"L' editoriale di Haaretz dell'11 agosto , uno dei più feroci degli ultimi anni, ha invitato il capo di stato maggiore dell'IDF, il tenente generale #AvivKochavi, a rimuovere il maggiore generale #TamirYadai, capo del comando centrale. ⬇2
Yadai dovrebbe infatti pagare per i 40 palestinesi uccisi dall'esercito negli ultimi tre mesi e per il rapporto simbiotico tra soldati e coloni estremisti.
Un prezzo deve essere pagato per questo disprezzo per la vita umana.
Ma anche i superiori devono pagare. ⬇3
Read 18 tweets
"Una delle società più egoistiche e sconsiderate del pianeta.
Gli israeliani uccidono innocenti e poi confiscano i permessi di lavoro in Israele dei loro parenti.
Interessa a qualcuno ?" #GideonLevy ⬇1/10

#IsraeliApartheid #12agosto…
"A prima vista è una banalità: gli automobilisti israeliani non segnalano quando devono svoltare.
Questo dice molto sulla loro aggressività, violenza, maleducazione e mancanza di considerazione per chiunque altro sulla strada. ⬇2
Non segnalare le svolte sembrerebbe essere l'ultimo dei loro pensieri.

È un'azione semplice. Richiede solo un dito e non costa denaro.
Eppure, gli israeliani non segnalano.
La segnalazione è per i deboli. La segnalazione è per gli imbranati. Chi segnala è un idiota. ⬇3
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Le numerose uccisioni di palestinesi inermi dimostrano un'orribile verità “economica”: le vite dei palestinesi costano poco.
La richiesta di Kochavi ai comandanti IDF non ha senso.

#IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliCrimes #IsraeliOccupation #Palestine…
"Che i soldati delle Forze di Difesa israeliane tendano ad avere il grilletto facile è un dato di fatto.

Anche il capo di stato maggiore #AvivKochavi non poteva più ignorare le numerose vittime palestinesi del fuoco dei soldati negli ultimi tre mesi, ⬇2
in particolare nelle ultime settimane.

Ecco perché domenica Kochavi ha incontrato gli alti ufficiali del comando centrale e ha chiesto loro di adottare misure per ridurre questo.
I dati sono a disposizione di chiunque sia interessato e sicuramente del capo di gabinetto. ⬇3
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Se questi per voi sono standard democratici...

"Soldati israeliani sparano a un pastore palestinese fuori dall'insediamento di Yitzhar in Cisgiordania." ⬇1/7

#IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliOccupation #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #HumanRights #14luglio…
" Mercoledì i soldati dell'esercito israeliano hanno sparato alle gambe di un pastore palestinese vicino all'insediamento di #Yitzhar in #Cisgiordania.

L'uomo di 47 anni ha condotto un gregge di pecore vicino al recinto perimetrale dell'insediamento. ⬇2
Secondo testimoni oculari e un'indagine preliminare i soldati gli hanno gridato in ebraico di fermarsi. Quando si è avvicinato al recinto i soldati gli hanno sparato con proiettili veri.
Secondo l'esercito, l'uomo aveva un'oggetto metallico in mano. ⬇3
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Esempi pratici di apartheid.

La Corte Suprema israeliana dichiara incostituzionale una legge che nega l'assistenza sociale alle famiglie palestinesi i cui figli sono stati condannati per lancio di sassi. ⬇1/12

#IsraeliApartheid #Palestine #HumanRights…
"Il ricorso era stato presentato nell'aprile 2016 da @AdalahCenter , insieme a @HaMokedRights .

La Corte, con una sentenza molto divisiva per 5-4, ha ritenuto che la legge viola in modo sproporzionato il diritto costituzionale all'uguaglianza. ⬇2
La Corte ha congelato la legge per un anno per consentire alla #Knesset di affrontarne i difetti e di trovare misure legislative alternative che non violino il diritto all'uguaglianza.

Approvato nel novembre 2015, ⬇3
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Lapid ha rivelato l'essenza antidemocratica di Israele.

Togliere la maschera della sicurezza significa mettere a nudo la realtà antidemocratica di Israele.

#IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliOccupation #HumanRights #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #12luglio…
" #YairLapid ha deciso di parlare onestamente.

"Non dovremmo nascondere l'essenza della legge sulla cittadinanza", ha detto. "È uno degli strumenti volti a garantire la maggioranza ebraica di Israele".

Il momento in cui si tolgono le maschere è emozionante. ⬇2
Indipendentemente dal fatto che si tratti del reality show "The Masked Singer" o della rimozione delle maschere politiche, è sempre emozionante vedere qual è la vera identità di una persona.

Ma l'onestà non è garanzia di equità. ⬇3
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On Friday June 4, 2021 I attended a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken. The purpose of the meeting was to talk all things #Palestine
#SheikJarrah #Silwan #Jerusalem #Gaza #EqualityforAll #OneLove
Full thread in 1 convenient viewing location here:…
I attended as an individual. I am not affiliated with any PAC or organization. I obviously do not speak for or represent the #Palestinian people. There’s like 7 million of us at least, and like 2 million of #Palestinians stuffed in #Gaza alone.
To the #Palestinian Americans who boycotted this meeting after the #Biden Administration handed Israel $735 million dollars in weaponry following the merciless attacks on Palestinians locked in Gaza.
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Support for Gaza 🇵🇸
from Jordan 🇯🇴

Shua'fat 🇵🇸 ✌🏽

Jabal Al Mukaber 🇵🇸 ✌🏽

#PalestinianResistance #FreePalestine 🇵🇸
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HISTORIC BRAVERY ON #PALESTINE IN CONGRESS: w/ #GazaUnderAttack Israel's military invades Gaza with force like what killed 480 kids in 2014

Rep. @RashidaTlaib faced brutality w/"We must condition aid to Israel on compliance with international human rights & ending apartheid"

As #Israeli police-supported lynch mobs attacked #Palestinian neighbors in Haifa,

@RashidaTlaib spoke solidarity & said her Black neighbors who know what it's like to be killed & displaced: "The freedom of Palestinians is connected to the fight of people all over the world."
As #IsraeliApartheid tries to silence resistance to injustice,

@RashidaTlaib spoke truth: "Life under apartheid rips Palestinians of their dignity. How would you feel if you had to go through dehumanizing checkpoints two blocks from your home to go to the doctor"

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At @StateDept: Protesters demand @POTUS Biden, history has its eyes on you. Palestinians demand an end to the illegal colonization of their land. SIGN:… #SaveSheikhJarrah Stop the #OngoingNakba & #GazaUnderAttack #DefendJerusalem ImageImage
"Free free Palestine." Palestinians in Jerusalem remain steadfast as their calls for freedom are heard from Sheikh Jarrah to DC! Stop the #OngoingNakba #SaveSheikhJarrah. Follow @m7mdkurd @yarahawari @danaelkurd @4noura Image
As @4noura & @MariamBarghouti wrote: "we need solidarity to overcome apartheid." #IsraeliApartheid

Pic @palestine solidarity rally telling @StateDept end US complicity!

sign:… read:…

#GazaUnderAttack #OngoingNakba #FreePalestine Image
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