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Jan 2nd 2023
THE ART OF SPIN: A CIA spox told selected DC reporters last month, "The assertion that CIA has been holding, and has not disclosed, a set of documents about Lee Harvey Oswald that were part of now-deceased, former CIA officer George Joannides’ files in the JFK Collection ....
is false." REPORTERS BEWARE: This statement is cleverly worded so as to be technically accurate and entirely misleading. Let me explain. CIA denies that it is withholding records "that were part of .. Joannides files in the JFK Collection." That is true because....
the 44 documents about Joannides' undercover operations in 1963 and 1978 that I discovered are NOT YET part of the JFK Collection. They are not in the JFK Collection because....…
Read 8 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
JFK Facts -- JFK 2022: Bare Majority Believes in Conspiracy…
This is not a Twitter poll. It is a statistically valid sample of midterm voters nationwide and a lesson in American history. To wit: JFK's assassination has always been a surrogate for trust in the federal government. Post-Warren Commission, liberals/leftists lost trust and ...
...suspected conspiracy. The right did not and embraced the official story. Post-Bush II, the Trumpian right lost trust in government--and faith in the "lone gunman." Now Republicans are more likely to see a JFK conspiracy, while Dems are somewhat less likely.
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