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Jun 21st 2022
Images 1-3: Miami Herald content creator Lesley Abravanel obsessively criticizes Ron DeSantis for promoting Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment.

Image 4: Lesley Abravanel criticizes Ron DeSantis for not doing more to promote Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment.
Miami Herald content creator Lesley Abravanel said that monoclonal antibodies will make you STERILE.

Now she criticizes Ron DeSantis for not doing more to promote them.
Miami Herald content creator Lesley Abravanel: "#KimJongRon is gonna double down on this useless monoclonal antibody bs"
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Jun 24th 2021
#RonDeSantis is a hemorrhoidal hypocrite of epic proportion:
Despite raging against censorship and “cancel culture,” he now wants to infringe on students’ 1st Amendment rights to express their political opinions.
He wants to make it illegal to ask whether you’re vaccinated, but
wants to force you to tell the government who you voted for.
He claimed he’s fighting “indoctrination,” but he is trying to punish students for voicing their political beliefs.

He calls Florida an "Oasis of Freedom," but bans press who disagree with or challenge him.
The mission in Florida is more important than ever. Ron DeSantis wants to suppress voters and people who disagree with him. Will you stand with students’ free speech?…
#TyrantRon #RonBeGone #RemoveRon #DeathSantis #KimJongRon
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