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Jul 16th 2018
Insane!! they fell for his wife having an affair with a sea mammal (a dolphin no less) and an artist called his feces painting genius & plucked her pubic hair to add to his collectible brush... !!!!!
#WhoIsAmerica indeed.đŸ˜±đŸ˜±
How can people be so gullible??.. @SachaBaronCohen
#Kinderguardians programme.
Sing along with a U.S Congressmen promoting guns for 4 year olds.
Aim it at the head, shoulders not the toes not the toes.. eyes, ears & bellies & the nose.. head shoulder not the toes not the toes..
Insane... wikkkkkkiiiiiiidddddddd @SachaBaronCohen
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry...
They tried, for years, to push a programe for 7/8th graders to use & have guns ”but it didn’t not get any traction” & philip Van Cleva is surprised..!!!
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