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May 22nd 2021
When adding Octane to an existing @laravelphp app, spotting memory leaks can be quite tricky. ๐Ÿ”Ž

This thread lists some basic techniques that helped me out, hopefully it can be useful to other devs. ๐Ÿงต

#LaravelOctane #laravel #php
@laravelphp During development, make sure to display/log memory usage peaks in all your pages/scripts.

If the peak keeps increasing esponentially at every refresh, there is a memory leak in the current page/script. ๐Ÿ˜
@laravelphp As suggested by the Laravel team, the first thing to do is checking for singleton bindings in all service providers (yours and 3rd party packages').

Singletons shouldn't inject or call instances of Application, Request or config Repository classes. โš ๏ธ
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