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Nov 28th 2021
#LibyaElections update🧵

Fascinating developments in last few hours.

In last few hours interim PM Abdelhamid Dbaibah has been ruled out of running for Presidency ❌

Saif Al Islam Gaddafi has also been barred from running this week ❌

Leaving only Khalifa Haftar ✅
Why is Dbeibah out?

At least 2 other candidates Aref Nayed & Fathi Bashagha filed against him based on disputed elections law.

The case?

Dbeibah pledged not to run when he took power & holds dual nationality (St Kitts)

So does Aref Nayed (Canada) & another Khalifa Haftar (US)
Why is Saif Al Islam ineligible?

In 2015 he was tried in absentia in connection to killings of civilians during Feb 17 uprising. Despite this, Saif has filed an appeal in court & issued a hand written statement asking his followers to collect their ballots.

Story isn’t over.
Read 5 tweets

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