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Exposing Lil Nas X for being homophobic, fatphobic, racist, slutshaming and more. In this thread you’ll see him talk badly about Lil Kim, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Adele, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Azealia Banks, Cardi B, Blue Ivy and more #lilnasxisoverparty Image
Lil Nas X blew up after Old Town Road went viral on tik tok in 2018. The song caused a lot of controversy cause Billboard didn’t want to classify it as a country song. Billy Ray Cyrus showed his support by hopping on a remix and the remix went number one on Billboard
He had been rumored to be active on (stan)twitter as Nasmaraj. Nasmaraj was apparently known as the ‘king of threads’ and a barb. Altough he denied being the owner of the account first, he later owned up to being a barb and having an entire page dedicated to Nicki.
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