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Sep 4th 2020
White women do a lot of compartmentalizing. We "don't really talk about politics." It's "rude." It's "too political." And what happened? Over 50% of white women voted for the man who #jailsbabies #privatearmy #killspostoffice #stealsmoney #lovesPutin. DO YOU WANT MORE? 1/7
We have a scant 60 days to elect Biden. As someone recently said, it's as though the entire family decided to shut up and let Crazy Uncle Harry talk for the last four years. Well, Facebook is helping the fascists. Time to speak up. MAKE FASCISM and TRUMPISM uncomfortable. 2/7
If you're a white woman, you know how to make people uncomfortable. Hell, it's BRED into that nice Northern European culture. Don't tangle. Don't get into weird discussions with crazy Q people. But start exerting pressure. Join an organization. Defend our damn troops.3/7
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