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Nov 16th 2020

In the space of just four weeks, we have eight dogs needing orthopaedic investigation or treatment.
Of these eight dogs, four (Pierre, Pixel, Delilah and Blue) have pelvic or hindlimb fractures which were not treated initially....1/6 ImageImageImageImage
Orion has a suspected dislocated shoulder, Sandy has a forelimb injury or deformity and Ziggy and Davey have lameness which are being assessed.
Blue had major surgery which is now followed by weeks of crate rest and specialised after care. 2/6 ImageImageImageImage
Delilah and Orion need surgery while others will need ongoing monitoring, pain relief and/or physio.
All of this puts a strain on our financial resources, as well as, the emotional and time commitments our staff....3/6
Read 6 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
Say hello to Lexi!😍

Lexi has come to us due to a change in her human's circumstance. She is a super dog, a first cross between a Dogue de Bordeaux and a #Pitbull, with all the fabulous traits of both. She is big and snuggly.....1/4

#MADRA #Adopt #RescueDog #LookingForAHome Image
...she very definitely needs a new owner who has experience of bull breeds so that she can grow and reach her full potential.
Lexi will need someone who is home during the day, through lockdown and beyond, and who will work with our trainer to maintain her good manners....2/4 Image
....using positive reinforcement methods only.
Lexi is a big girl, she can be a little bit pushy and a little bit needy, and although she has lived with other dogs, we feel she might suit as a solo dog initially. We will only rehome her in a home with children 12 and older. 3/4
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