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Feb 8th 2022
"A Charming Tale of Phallimination" (Part 1): Back in 2013, Richard Madden is cast as Prince Charming in the live-action Cinderella. The prince's costumes are designed to be very snug, so Madden must go to the studio for a fitting. #Phalliminate #penisreduction #celebrityfake Image
"A Charming Tale of Phallimination" (Part 2): Before he can be fitted for his Prince Charming costumes, Richard has been told he must have his beard shaved and all his bodyhair waxed off at the Styling center. #malewaxing #Phalliminate #penisreduction #celebrityfake ImageImageImageImage
"A Charming Tale of Phallimination" (Part 3): Shorn of all his body hair after his harrowing waxing session, Richard is ready to try on some Prince Charming costumes. But he's still nervous about the fit. #Phalliminate #penisreduction #celebrityfake ImageImageImageImage
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