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Jun 15th 2019
@HaripraghashS @HaripraghashS 2 short questions without 2 short answers 😅But let's try! Projections for me when I started my journey with #EventSourcing was the hardest thing to understand. I thought: ok, I can rebuild the aggregate state by replaying events one by getting them by id 1/
@HaripraghashS Having that I'll have the state of the single aggregate. Wait a minute! If I won't to do that for the aggregate list then I'd need to get all events for those aggregates and reply it one by one? Nah that's can't be! For that we have we have projections. As you for sure know /2
@HaripraghashS What are projections? It's just representation and interpretation of the set of event. What's more when we're replying events to get aggregate state - that's also projection. It's easy to forget about that because it's default case. We're just interpreting events to get state /3
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