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Aug 17th 2020
Antenatal Care Schedule

Antenatal care should start IMMEDIATELY your pregnancy test is Positive (not 3 or 4 months after).

A good antenatal care should have at least 8 visits
This is a guide, your visits can be more depending on your overall health & needs

When newly registered for antenatal, you must be seen at least 1 or 2 weeks after your first visit to review your tests results; blood group, genotype, HIV status etc.

Early scan must be done immediately to check if pregnancy is viable, it's location & number of babies.
Most pregnant women are seen once in 4 week till 6 to 7 months,
then once in two weeks up to 8+ months & once in a week till delivery

If your care provider has changed schedule due to COVID19, ask about their Telehealth/virtual services or get Backup plan

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Jul 27th 2020

'Help me doc! my wife has been eating all sorts since we did scan at 7 month and they said the baby's buttocks is down instead of head.
My wife said she must eat concoctions if not, baby will not turn.' Image
Breech presentation is when baby is sitting down or kneeling in the womb.
Ideally the baby's head should be down.
It happens more in early pregnancy when baby is still small and can move in any direction.
By 9th Month of pregnancy, only 3/4 out of 100 babies remain breech.
Luckily, the woman stopped consuming concoctions & baby turned on its own to head down.

Do you know about breech babies?
Share your breech experience with us.

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