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Most recents (2)

Oct 27th 2021
#mdshami episode is a classic case of social media warfare

Pak intended 3 specific mischiefs-

1⃣ Portray India as Islamophobic society
2⃣ Create sense of fear among Indian minorities
3⃣ Divert attention from Indians chanting Pak anthem & celebrating Pak victory

A thread🧵(1/8)
How did they create this narrative?

Scene 1: Handful of unknown accounts made unwelcome remarks on #Shami (as they did on other players of the team)
Scene 2: Pakistani social media teams picked up the issue (3/8)
Read 8 tweets
Oct 26th 2021
WHO ABUSED #mdshami ??

Orchestrated Disinformation Campaign and the Role of "Useful Idiots"

Scene 1: High adrenalin Cricket Match between arch military rivals.
India and Pakistan
Indian cricket team was bad on field and lost the game.
Game of Minds Begin after the Match.
Classic Bollywood Story : Muslim player blamed for loss, asked to prove loyalty to country!

Media: Got the spice
Opposition: Got the Issue
Team India: Emotionally Bruised
INDIA: Failed to discern the psy war again.
It all began when a Twitter handle @vaikivannavan
Posted this 👇
Apparently the handle had somehow "PREDICTED" that Md Shami would be subject to abuse after the match.
As per predictions, 16 Abusive Insta posts were made under Shami's recent Insta update. Out of which 8 were targeted at his Nationality/ Religion. The remaining being generic..
Read 13 tweets

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