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Jun 3rd 2019
I don't really use Facebook but someone sent this to me re: my tweets yesterday.

Let's unpack this "sorry but not sorry" post for a moment, it's really interesting:

1. Fake news. 15 million East Europeans in the UK? Really? Not even the Daily Mail publishes such things.

2. The classic "taking our houses and jobs". I am waiting for an "indigenous Briton" to offer me their property (with the mortgage paid off) for free. Maybe then I can say I took *their* house. And jobs, yes, I cannot wait to take all postdocs at the same time, of course.

3. "Privatise the NHS". Here's some kind advice as I see on their profile they're not in work. NHS privatisation won't make it better. And if you are not in work, it will be even worse. Sometimes people really argue so passionately against their best interests, don't they?

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