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Aug 21st 2020
My family and I evacuated from our home in Groveland last night because of the #MocFire. It was an arduous experience to say the least, but will share some thoughts in the hopes it will be of use to those who evacuate from other current/future fires. Thread:
You’re never as prepared as you think you are and it will take longer than you expect. And fires can move extremely quickly. The #MocFire started quite a distance from our home (HWYs 120 & 49).That’s a 30 minute drive from our house. Within a few hours, it was at our doorstep.
Getting accurate and timely info was frustratingly tough, and accurate info matters because it - at the least - determines how you should evacuate (ie, jump in the car and run or take time to pack up survival equipment, etc).
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