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Aug 2nd 2020
Yes, Modi government bought expensive.
Atal Govt: We need 126 fighters for the Air Force.

Air Force: Retrieve RFI.

Air Force: According to us Rafale will be the best fighter.

UPA: How much is this Rafale?

France: Rafale worth ₹ 936 crore

#ModiCronyBhaiBhai #RafaleJets
UPA: Give us ₹ 526 crore.
France: Not possible.

UPA: Give us, without Weapons, without Maintenance, without Spares, without Guarantee.

France: All of that is additional anyway.

UPA: Even if there is a low Availability Rate, 35% -40% of Rafale will run.
France: Get there.
UPA: How much is a good offset?

France: 30% Offset.

UPA: Give it please for ₹ 526 crore.

France: Can't say no.

UPA: Give it a good 18, we will get it made in India.

France: But who will make it?

UPA: Will make HAL in India.

#CancelRafale #RafaleInIndia
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