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Apr 5th 2020
Ok, bit late to the #museumofme party, what with one thing and another (thanks to @wittertainment for the preferred euphemism de nos jours). But in an unusual break from auto-tweeting Instagram links to pictures of my kids, here I go...
#museumofme No. 1 - picture of me as a child. Think this is first day of school in about... 1979? I liked the milk breaks, for as long as they lasted [shakes fist, then lets it go].
#museumofme No. 2 - Something I (used to) collect: comic books. More specifically, Batman and Detective Comics, from about 1989 to, I guess 1995 - I have about a hundred-issue run in each and that was some achievement, in rural Suffolk 30 or so years ago.
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