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Dec 29th 2020
Remembering Rajesh Khanna on his birth anniversary (29/12)

In 1976, #BRChopra started a Punjabi film #SohniMahiwal with #RajeshKhanna and #NeetuSingh.

Mahurat clap given by the then CM of Punjab , Gyani Zail Singh.

The film eventually got shelved.
Remembering Rajesh Khanna..

Poster of #Jadugar by #PrakashMehra when it was initially announced in 1979 with #RajeshKhanna @ShatruganSinha #ZeenatAman #Sarika #Pran and #KaderKhan.

The film got shelved, and was eventually made with Sr AB.
Remembering Rajesh Khanna..

Manmohan Desai started #BajiraoMastani in mid 70s with #RajeshKhanna and @dreamgirlhema.

The film eventually got shelved.
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