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1/73 📢Viele fragen sich "Was hat @PahlaviReza (RP) in den letzten 44 Jahren gemacht?" 
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Revue passieren! 🧵
Der 18-jährige Reza Pahlavi verließ am 21. Juni 1978, unmittelbar nach dem Abitur und fast 8 Monate vor der Revolution, den #Iran Richtung Texas, um seine Pilotenausbildung bei der US Air Force zu absolvieren.
Vor seiner Einreise nach Amerika machte er einen kurzen Zwischenstopp in England und traf sich dort mit der britischen Königsfamilie.
Read 74 tweets
#Iran's dictator Ali Khamenei is responsible for the murder of #MahsaAmini

#مهساامینی Image
Sep 16—Tehran, #Iran
Reports indicate authorities have dispatched a large number of security forces outside the Kasra Hospital following reports of #MahsaAmini's death.
Regime officials are extremely concerned of anti-regime protests. ImageImage
Sep 16—Tehran, #Iran
Following reports of #MahsaAmini's death, people are gathering outside the Kasra Hospital and protesting, saying she was killed by the regime's security forces.
Read 21 tweets
On October 10, World day of #NoDeathPenalty, freedom-loving Iranians in #Berlin supported the Iranian people's demand for the trial of criminal Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW ImageImage
The call for the arrest and trial of the criminal President of #Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, by all sections of the Iranian people is a national & patriotic demand.
Execution is a tool for the survival of a religious dictatorship that must end in Iran.
#NoDeathPenalty #ProsecuteRaisiNOW ImageImage
#Women in #Iran are most exposed to repression, and the clerical regime has a record number of executions of women in the world.
On World Day of #NoDeathPenalty, support the demand of Iranian women for the trial of Ebrahim Raisi.
#ProsecuteRaisiNOW #NoImpunity4Mullahs ImageImage
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The following is a roundup of #Iran's #HumanRights record in 2020, based on info from human rights groups, activists and state media, tallied by @IranNewsUpdate1.

@antonioguterres @mbachelet @JavaidRehman @amnesty @eu_eeas @StateDept @CommissionerHR…
1. Executions in #Iran:
According to #HumanRights activists, the regime hanged at least 272 inmates in 2020, including 5 juvenile offenders, 8 women, 11 political and civil activists, and prisoners of conscience.
Other executed persons were men between the age of 22 to 81.
In this context:
On the morning of Saturday, April 11, 2020, authorities in Iran hanged political prisoner Mostafa Salimi after 17 years in prison without a day off in Saqez Central Prison.
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His father was so devoted to Iran’s revolution that he named his son after the regime's founder: Rouhollah. The son turned against the system & leaked the regime’s secrets on SM. He was lured to Iraq from Paris, kidnapped by the IRGC, & today, he was executed. #HumanRightsDay
#RouhollahZam left behind two daughters. He did not have access to a fair trial & forced to confess on state TV, but even then, he defended ppl’s fight against a brutal regime that just in the past 2 years has killed 100s of protesters & dissidents. No accountability! No shame!
With each execution, the Islamic Republic sends a message to its opponents & the world that it can neither change nor tolerate dissent & that it does not fear bloodshed for its survival. This approach has increased the scope of resistance/dissatisfaction instead.
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In light of the #Belgium trial of #Iran's diplomat-terrorist:
1)240 Cross-Party Lawmakers From19 #EU Countries Urge Their Governments To Protect #Europe From Iran’s State #Terrorism…
#ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies #ExpelIranDiplomatTerrorists
2)The statement adds:
Terrorist acts in #EU, the flip side of the coin of intensified repression inside #Iran, reflected in the execution of #NavidAfkari Through terrorism,the Iranian regime seeks to eliminate its opponents even on EU soil.#ShutDownIranTerrorEmbassies
3)In addition to10s of 1000s of Iranians,the opposition leader @Maryam_Rajavi the primary target of the conspiracy,was present at the rally,along W/several 100political figures from various countries.Had this terrorist operation succeeded,it would have undoubtedly left100s killed
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Supreme Leader @khamenei_ir &his patronage network, Minister of Intelligence & his notorious ministry (MOIS) have been engaged in killing, massacre of Iranians & #terrorism abroad. Such designation & more are warranted, as Iranian people have been chanting “Death to Khamenei.”
Intel Minister Mahmoud Alavi designated today under E.O. 13553, for "serious human rights abuses" against the Iranian people, also collaborated with Foreign Minister @JZarif in a series of terror plots in Europe since 2018. Both deserve additional #terrorism designation as SDGT. Image
Treasury stated Alavi's "MOIS agents are responsible for beatings, sexual abuse, prolonged interrogations&coerced confessions of prisoners, particularly political prisoners." Recent example is wrestling champ #navidafkari murdered after torture for participating in #IranProtests. Image
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1-The execution of a champion athlete, #NavidAfkari, by the Islamic Republic of Iran has shocked the world. As mentioned by @TValioghli, former member of Iran’s national swimming team, she’s seen several of her athlete friends executed by the regime.…
2-The purge of Iranian sports began with the arrest of Ali Hojat Kashani, head of Physical Education Dept. He was arrested for the crime of holding 1974 Asian Games in Iran & encouraging sports, which was was seen as "corrupting" young people. He was summarily tried & executed
3-Then, revolutionaries set their sights on Nader Jahanbani, Iran’s equestrian champion and a jet pilot. He was also the head of the Iranian Physical Education Organization until 1978. After a show trial where revolutionaries couldn’t find any evidence of crime, he was executed
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Navid Afkari: Executed for Protesting

Thread (Part 1/2).
@Olympics @wrestling
The Islamic Republic hanged Navid Afkari to death for standing up for the dignity of his country. Navid is a hero of Iran.
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1-We've launched a new campaign: #United4Navid. Gold-medal athletes from Iran’s national teams join human rights activists. We’re calling on international sporting federations & Olympic Committee to suspend Islamic Republic of Iran from sporting events for killing #NavidAfkari Image
2-Sardar Pashaei is a former wrestling coach from Iran’s National Team & gold medal. As a coach, he helped many athletes obtain gold medals in international events. He explains why the Islamic Republic of Iran must be suspended from international tournaments
3-Shirin Ebadi is a human rights activist, university professor and writer. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for her work in human rights.

Ebadi asks international sporting bodies to suspend the Islamic Republic of Iran from sporting events for 1 year.
Read 15 tweets
#BREAKING: #US will announce sanctions on several Iranian entities and officials on Thursday: #Iran envoy
#BREAKING: Elliott Abrams says the targets of US sanctions will involve the judge who sentenced #Iranian wrestler #NavidAfkari to death
#BREAKING: US special envoy for #Iran: US thinks Iran will come to the negotiating table once Nov. 3 election is over
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@RichardHaass said inviting @JZarif for a @CFR_org event is an opportunity to ask "hard questions."

Zarif used the opportunity to threaten the U.S.

"President Trump ordered the assassination of [Soleimani]... So the books are not closed."…
U.S. Treasury Dept. added Zarif to the list of "Specially Designated Nationals."

Zarif is also subject to secondary sanctions.… ImageImage
For the record:
CFR & @FareedZakaria gave a designated official of a designated state sponsor of terrorism a virtual platform to voice terror threats against US officials & nuclear threats against the int'l community. And this is just days after regime murdered #NavidAfkari. Image
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Kurdish Political Prisoner Heydar Ghorbani at Risk of Imminent Execution in Iran

Please raise your voice to #SaveHeydarGhorbani.

An Iranian lawyer says his minority Kurdish client, Heydar Ghorbani, is at imminent risk of being Iran’s next political prisoner to be executed following the execution of #NavidAfkari who had joined a peaceful anti-government protest.

Family says Ghorbani was tortured into making a false confession. Rights activists say this is a common pressure tactic used by authorities seeking to create pretexts for harsh sentences against political prisoners when evidence of serious crimes is lacking.
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Iranian opposition NCRI holding an online event focusing on the importance of restoring sanctions targeting the genocidal regime ruling #Iran & holding the mullahs' accountable.

Iranian opposition President @Maryam_Rajavi addressing the online conference and tweeting a thread on the highlights of her speech.

The regime is showing every indication that they’re on their last legs. Everyone knows they are a regime of terror.
For too long, the United States was sympathetic to Iran.

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In one of his last messages referring to his struggle against the clerical regime, #NavidAfkari said that he is fighting against the most ruthless adversary in human history. #Iran
Yes, this is the most ruthless adversary in human history. And there is no doubt that it will be toppled as a result of the struggle and uprisings of the courageous youths and the great Army of Freedom. #StopExecutionsinIran
Commemorating #Iran’s athletic champions who were slain at the hands of the clerical regime. #StopExecutionsinIran #NavidAfkari…
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Sep 17-Near Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Family and friends of #NavidAfkari gathered at his grave in his memory. Voices can be heard describing Navid as a hero as many are throughout Iran and across the globe.
Sep 17-Near Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Family & friends gathered at #NavidAfkari's grave.
They clap with Iran's national anthem (not the regime's official anthem) and are heard chanting: "Navid is a hero!"

Credit: @IranNW
Sep 17—Kahrizsang, central #Iran
Family & friends of Mostafa Salehi held a ceremony today.

Salehi was tortured into confessing to crimes he did not commit after being arrested for participating in protests. He was hanged on Aug 5.

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@CFR_org is insisting on providing a platform to #Iran’s chief apologist @JZarif despite the horrific execution of #NavidAfkari & the following int’l outcry.

This is just a short glimpse of who CFR is inviting.

Attention: @RichardHaass
CFR has a history of providing a platform to Zarif to push his lies & talking points. Here he defends Bashar Assad, the brutal dictator of Syria, and his use of chemical weapons against civilians.
This is the individual that CFR & Richard Haass are so keen on inviting.
Read 20 tweets
Let it be known that after #NavidAfkari's execution, @CFR_org insists on providing a platform to #Iran's FM @JZarif, known to be very fond of terrorists like Soleimani & Nasrallah, and dictators such as Bashar Assad.

BTW, prepare to face U.S. sanctions.… ImageImageImage
#Iran Regime’s Murder Of Wrestler #NavidAfkari Underscores Its Evil

By murdering Navid Afkari in secret, the Iranian regime reminds us it's both a threat to peace as well as the life and happiness of the Iranian people.…
Mehrdad Tahmtan is the "judge" that sentenced #NavidAfkari to double-execution.

Tahmtan also sentenced Navid’s brothers, Vahid & Habib, to 54 & 27 years in prison, respectively. The two were also sentenced to 74 lashes.

#StopExecutionsInIran… Image
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.@CFR_org is scheduled to host #Iran's FM @JZarif for a virtual event next Tuesday. This comes just days after Iran tortured & executed popular wrestler #NavidAfkari over participating in a peaceful protest.

The event runs afoul of U.S. sanctions laws.…
CFR leaders will not heed to calls for the cancellation of their hosting of Zarif. "Canceling would establish a precedent & a standard that could preclude us hosting officials from a significant number of countries," they say in their justification of appeasing #Iran. ImageImageImage
Iranian wrestler #NavidAfkari was executed without prior warning: Report

A new audio recording of a phone call between Afkari and one of his brothers late Friday, hours before his death, suggests that he had no prior knowledge of his imminent execution.…
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THREAD: From the beginning, the death sentence against wrestler #NavidAfkari--who was killed by the Iranian state on August 11--was screaming for a review.

Now a @bbcpersian report suggests he was not executed, as was reported, but possibly killed.…
"The sudden enforcement of the death penalty against the 27-year-old wrestler, in addition to the ambiguities and legal contradictions in the case, have raised many questions," says the BBC Persian report on #NavidAkari.…
Following are translations of some "ambiguities" and "questions" noted by the BBC Persian report on #NavidAfkari

"In his last contact with his family, he said: 'I have 10-15 injuries on my body. They came from the Medical Examiner’s Office and took pictures and investigated.'”
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After I tweeted below images showing peaceful protest of #Iran Air Force personnel against execution sentence of #NavidAfkari, the #Twitter immediately ghost banned my main account for 7 days until now. The reason was that I used a hashtag saying "Do not execute our Navid"! Image
#IRGC Cyberspace Organization known as Seraj well knows weaknesses of #Twitter. They have thousands of accounts which mass report tweets containing anti-regime hashtags. As its result, the Twitter accounts of opposition activists & journalists are being ghost-banned by Twitter. Image
Last week I explained the issue for @heySierra @dawnmburton @bohan @CSulfaro27 @jenniferfraser @Larakate & they all ignored it. These are the individuals who help totalitarian regimes to silence their critics such as me.
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Days 197-199 - #COVID19 in Iran

Before I start the usual coverage, with a heavy heart, have to have a brief report on #NavidAfkari, the executed prisoner in Iran which has caused an International outcry. Image
Navid Afkari along with his two brothers were arrested in late summer 2018 allegedly during protests but then later charged with killing of an IRGC Baseej member.

He was an International wrestling champion.

[Sadly wiki page turned into bad propaganda:…]
There are so much that can be said about inconsistencies around his case, sham TV interview, tortures he suffered and the fact that there is more evidence to show that he died under torture and not executed. But in his last words, he would like you to know this:
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#Iran #Germany #Teheran #Ambrassador #NavidAfkari

The Iranian foreign ministry summoned the German ambassador to Tehran because of his criticism of the execution of the wrestler Navid Afkari.
The ministry "condemned the diplomat's statements in the strongest possible terms" and informed Ambassador Hans-Udo Muzel that his reaction would be viewed as "interference in the internal affairs" of Iran, it said in a statement.
The Federal Foreign Office and the European Union (EU) had previously condemned the execution "in the strongest terms". The Foreign Ministry in Berlin was "horrified" that the death penalty was being carried out "despite international protests and requests for suspension,"
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