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Oct 7th 2019
"Is Nigeria’s population growth an asset or a liability?"

- HRH, Muhammad Sanusi II, Emir of Kano asked during his plenary session titled: "Nigeria in 2050: Boom or Bust" at the 2019 @officialNESG

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#NES25 #NESG #Nigeria2050ShiftingGears
“Nigeria’s population in its current state is not a resource. With the issues of Boko Haram, Herdsmen, and other issues, it is a liability” - HRH, Muhammad Sanusi II, Emir of Kano on the his session "Nigeria in 2050: Boom or Bust" at
#Nigeria2050ShiftingGears #NESG
(1/2) "If there are 40 mosques and 1 school in a village, you have 41 schools. We need to use our mosques, churches etc as schools. They are all institutions of learning.

#Nigeria2050ShiftingGears #NESG #NESG25
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