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Jun 12th 2019
#NewCurrencyAlert 🔥🔥

According 2 th RBZ, in January 2019, th annual broad money supply increased by 30% to $9,85 billion from $7,54 billion of th previous year.

Of this was 79,71% ($7,85 billion) constitute th demand deposit (the money in th banks as account balances).
In readiness for a new currency, there is panic in converting one’s bank balance into USDs no matter th rate.

Assume th new currency comes in September, it seems it serves th RBZ well to mop up th bank balances using less USDs as th rate is very high.
Let’s assume th new currency comes when th exchange rate is at 15, it means by then very few have local currency in th banks. Everyone will be holding USDs.
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