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Feb 13th 2023
Today I witnessed @JobCentresPlus in action. It wasn’t pretty.

Firstly, my friend (I could not attend unaccompanied) & I were asked to wait. Also waiting was a man who was asking why his benefits had been sanctioned. He hadn’t got credit on his phone to ring them. 1/
The @G4S guy said “that’s not my problem”. Also “calm down” which we know works so well. Claimant lost his cool a bit. He’s getting £150/month. That’s all. And they cut it because he didn’t do what he “should”.

Meanwhile 7/8 staff were watching like it was a show. 2/
My name was called. “Let’s get you away from the entertainment”. I said it’s not exactly entertaining though is it? I was then told that he’s always there, kicking off and causing trouble. I’m sure working there leaves you jaded but no excuse for this. 3/
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