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Jan 12th 2022
Really happy to see our paper led by @DaveyRachel1 just out in the #Forefront section of @AnalBioanalChem:

Improves a procedure to expose surrogate proteins to urban air (especially NO2, O3) to quantify changes in protein nitration ➡️ allergies, etc.
1/🧵 Image
2/ @DaveyRachel1 did a great job of quantifying & improving each step of the #bioanalytical procedure; ozone loss across PM filters, extraction & detection efficiencies, even good old analytical #FiguresOfMerit sensitivity & limit of detection. Image
3/ Possibly the most broadly useful piece is the data showing ozone loss across several filter types. The HEPA capsule scrubbed >60% of the ozone (bad if you're trying to quantify ozone). Kynar removed only 3%.
Important if using filter to remove PM, while quantifying O3 behind. Image
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