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Dec 9th 2019
@darylgene @JamesQueallyLAT @jaketapper Compassion for refugees in no way requires belief in "open borders." What this IS abt is honoring the tradition of our country in welcoming both immigrants and refugees, who are actually the very backbone of this country.

We ask only for compassion & humanity.

@darylgene @JamesQueallyLAT @jaketapper The treatment being received by detainees qualifies under BOTH USA & UN law, as well as the tenets of basic human decency, not to mention CHRISTIANITY is Cruel & Unusual PUNISHMENT.

For what crime? For being on the wrong side of the border.

@darylgene @JamesQueallyLAT @jaketapper ...the man in charge of that policy has committed a massive number of crimes [from money laundering to abuse of power, to...the list is L-O-N-G], both before & after his inauguration. And the very same people supporting these punishment think trump has done nothing wrong.

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