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Oct 16th 2020
@Anna_M_Johnson Gary Sims doesn't want anyone to see how the sausage gets made.

ED blocks observing every chance he gets.

Wake is the only county that won't let the public observe on election night.

The secrecy must stop!
Demand transparency!…
I was an at large observer for Wake Dem party for the Primary. Gary threw a fit - very angry- yelled and threatened that if any observer so much as asks to see another zero tape ALL of us would be kicked out!

Zero tapes show that no electronic ballot stuffing has occurred. btw
March Primary - Observers weren't allowed to see zero tape at Chavis Comm. Center, so my neighbor went to view that poll tape when polls closed; any member of public can do that. The Chief Judge refused to allow him to see it & wouldn't tell him results; which is required by law
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