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Oct 14th 2021
Imagine: you wake up tomorrow, pregnant, and you don't want to be. You google something like, "women's health clinic" and make an appointment w/ the first option you see. Right now, you just want some info on your options. You're feeling anxious. #ph260720 #CPCs
You reasonably assume that the place called something like "Women's Center" that advertises free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds is a medically licensed health center that can provide you factually accurate info about your pregnancy and options. Right? #ph260720 #CPCs
Wrong. You've just entered the domain of a Crisis Pregnancy Center (CPC), aka a fake clinic. CPCs are purposefully deceptive, non-medical places that attempt to lure pregnant people and dissuade them from getting abortions #ph260720 #ExposeFakeClinics

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Nov 18th 2020
I wrote about the disparity between how police treat protesters for racial justice compared with anti-abortion protesters for @TheRealNews and I feel like this @robinmarty quote sums it up… Image
I looked specifically at the cities of Minneapolis, Louisville, Kenosha and Portland and am so grateful to the providers/ activists who spoke with me there…
Received some great information from @NatAbortionFed about the rates of violence at abortion clinics around the US… ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Apr 11th 2020
Tanner standing at the window of a companion with kids in the car. #notcounseling
Now Joseph is going to take his turn harassing a companion at the car window
I can hear Jospeh yelling at the companion in my car with my windows up.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
This green vest anti is trying to chat me up. Saying I’m being disrespectful by not talking to him. Now he’s gonna tell me about Jesus Christ. Reminder it is easy, breezy, and beautiful to leave people the fuck alone. #notcounseling
“Walking with women to the clinic is opening up the door to Nazis In hell. There will be no less judgement for abortion clinic volunteers than for Nazis who lead Jews to the gas chambers.”
I don’t want a new heart, dipwad. He’s still going. Blah blah blah.
Read 12 tweets

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