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#official #lanquage #Greek in today #Albanian territory
Ali Pasha, the Albanian governor of the Ottoman Pashalik of Janina used modern Greek as the official language in administration and in his correspondence, since the territory he ruled was/2⬇️ Image
🧶2/ predominantly inhabited by Greeks (Ali Pasha was himself fluent in Greek). He also employed at his court many Greeks as secretaries, physicians mercenaries e.t.c.. In 1799, the British William Eton visited Janina and met in person Ali Pasha.
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He was present when the Greek secretary of Ali Pasha wrote at his behest a letter to the Greek chieftains of Suli, Botsaris and Tzavelas, inviting them to join his forces and attack together the town of Argyrocastro/Gjirokaster in modern Albania/4⬇️ Image
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Our #vol35issue8 was published today! First paper is by Paul Smart (from @unisouthampton) who explains how to develop a mechanistic account of extended #cognition. Open access article. @Routledge_Phil @Routledgepsych @tandfonline… 1/7
Next in #vol35issue8 is Alberto Voltolini (from @unito) who asks how subject and intentional object are related if the intentional object is an object for a subject.… 2/7
César Frederico Dos Santos (from @UFMAoficial) distinguishes #numerosity, #numerousness, and #number in numerical cognition in #vol35issue8… 3/7
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⏳4592307816 Occurs at position 60 in π. It includes the ten numbers. 666 relating to 6x6x6=216. 216 relating to the diameter of the moon 2160 Miles. 351, 26th Triangular. 26 letters in the English alphabet. 60, a whole when taking about time. 22/7=3.14... 2083 the 314th prime⌛️ Image
"Sixty Time" = 459! WOW! Image
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#Thread #Parenting

Have we failed in bringing up.our ‘modern’ kids?

A very distressed neighbour shared that he had driven home after a long day at work. As he entered, he saw his wife in bed with fever. She had laid out his dinner on a tray.

Everything was there just as he wanted it. The dal, vegetables, salad, green chutney, papad and pickles… ”How caring,” he thought,
“Even when she is unwell, she finds the strength to do everything for me.”

As he sat down to eat, he realised that something was missing.

He looked up at his grown up daughter, who was watching TV and said,

Beta (child), can you get me my medicine and a glass of water, please?

She rolled up her eyeballs to show her displeasure at being disturbed, but did the favour nevertheless.

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We need a #profitable investment strategy. When it comes to #bitcoin, this task seems very simple: just hold and number will go up. This maxi view advocates a constant buying strategy commonly called dollar (or unit) cost averaging (#DCA/UCA). But is this the best we can do? 🧵 9 Image
1. The annual chart above shows that, indeed, #number just keeps going up. What about those red candles though? Can we avoid losing money in the red years? Is there a #pattern to them?

The losses can be significant (56-73%) so it would be good to know what to do in those years.
2. The simple answer is that the #red candles repeat every 4 years (the 1st one is an exception: it came 1 year late late due to a lack of #bitcoin market for the first 1.5 years).

Why every 4 years? Because that's the length of the block subsidy #halving cycle (vertical lines).
Read 10 tweets
@sfgov @cityofmilwaukee @CambMA @cityofsaintpaul @CityofSeattle #CityofAlbanyNY #Hamtramck #Michigan:

Since you are NOW the new board passing resolutions/sanctions against foreign countries with @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @USCIRF @UNHumanRights

I need some answers.
Please send me the #resolution #number against CHINA , it's Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for it's blatant religious rights violation, concentration camps and atrocities on the Uighur Muslim communities.
#HinduLivesMatter #HinduGenocide…
Please send me the #resolution #number against Pakistan/its state sponsored terror outfits for the atrocities, religious rights violation, forced conversions and slaughtering of Hindus. #HinduLivesMatter #HinduGenocide #hindusunderattack #HinduSlaughter…
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Hey @wregional! How are you today?
I’m at #HarrisonAR, checked in with #solv app instant waiting list to get tested for #coronavirus, trying to stay positive. C, pictured, yelled at me to roll my window down when asked what #number I am in line, after previously yelling at me.
No rush, I know everyone is busy. I’ll be here when my windows up to keep y’all safe cos my coworker tested positive for #coronavirus Friday, and I was last in contact Wednesday.

Side note: my #airconditioner is out. I am worried about being in a #hotcar and getting #heatstroke.
Should I be worried? I have #coronavirus symptoms but I’m pretty hot under the collar in more ways than one.
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#LifePath #Number1 : Just like in anything else, in a human character number "1" means - being a champion.Your bright personality and positive nature will provide you with the leadership in any area of life, where you will try yourself. you will never be in a subordinate position
Your ambitions are based on the determination that makes you a respected person, skillfully demonstrating your knowledge and experience. Your originality, creativity and strong spirit will always help to implement any of your desires.
#Number1 #Numerology
You are endowed with organizational skills and can run any business - or home - easily and successfully.Best for persons with life path 1 to start any project from a scratch and learn from your own mistakes.
#Numerology #Number1 #Lifepath
Read 188 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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My previous threads on #qualitative #interviewing referred mainly to one-to-one, semi-structured interviews. Research interviews, however, can be conducted in more than one way. #1 @AcademicChatter #phdchat #QualitativeResearch
@AcademicChatter In this thread, some different ways to conduct interviews are discussed, so have a look and see whether a different format could help answer your research question better. #2
@AcademicChatter The social research literature categorises research interviews roughly into #structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews based on the degree of #planning or preparation from the interviewer’s side and the #leeway available for participants in their responses. #3
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#Option #Greeks Simplified

#Options are definitely more complicated than equity or futures.

Their prices don’t just go up and down.

They also fluctuate based on things like #time, #implied #volatility and #underlying stock movements.
#Options #Greeks Are Simply Mathematical Shortforms

Most of you would remember from school that mathematical formulas sometimes were #Greek letters like Pi and #Delta. The same is true for options.

Don’t let them overwhelm you or scare you.
They’re simply #mathematical words to explain some very basic principles.

#Greeks Describe the Behavior of #Individual #Options

Each #greek can help predict how it will behave under different circumstances and how options prices would change.
Read 22 tweets
So it is #perplexing to read #newsreports that @TheJusticeDept is searching for a #path to #inclusion of the #citizenship #question.

Why is this a #puzzle for you?
The @uscensusbureau must do the best it can to accurate #ascertain #both the #number of #persons and the #number of #citizens.
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#Blockchain yapı taşları #block'lar hakkındaki açıklamalar yeterince anlaşılabilir değil sanki 🤔Nelerden oluştuğu, nasıl ilerlediği ve çok konuşulan değiştirilemez yapısını nasıl koruduğu konusunda bir #flood iyi olmaz mıydı? Olurdu olurdu ⛓🙋✌️#crypto #block #technology
1) #Magic #Number: Her blok üzerine kurulduğu teknolojiyi(örn. #bitcoin, #ethereum vs.) belirten geçici bir numara ile başlar. Bu deklarasyon, başka yazılımların bir Blockchain bloğuna denk geldiklerini anlamalarına yardımcı olur ◽◼◻ #btc #eth
2) Blok Büyüklüğü: #Forklanma ile değişen ve geliştirilmeye çalışılan blok veri kapasitesi ikinci sırada ifade edilir. Blokların #mining hızına önemli derecede etki eden depolama alanı, piyasadaki #coin enflasyon oranını da etkileyebilir ki bunun detaylarına ayrıca değineceğim 📊
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