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#PaperADay🦆 today is kindly offered by @jonmsterling & collaborators:

I'm not going to run a long thread on this because the paper is very detailed and quite enjoyable to read, but here's some of the things I loved 2/n
The central idea of the paper is beautifully laid out at the beginning: use an open/closed pair of modalities on types to treat *intension* as structure on *extension*. So cool! 3/n
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#PaperADay🦆 time!

Today I read Apolito's essay I announced yersterday.

TL;DR: anarcho-communism should develop a competing alternative to markets for large-scale economical organization, and 'integrated information' is an appealing theoretical framework to look at

First, a reminder that Aurora Apolito is a pseudonym (I don't know if her real name is public knowledge so I'm not gonna dox). But it's cool that the name itself roughly means 'dawn of the stateless [society]', which is really cool 2/n
The paper starts with a question: 'Is anarchism [...] a system destined to only work in the scale of small local communities?' 3/n
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