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Nov 14th 2022
We’re all familiar with the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” @mcflyharry @Konnie_Huq recount their experiences of being bullied in school and how they navigate bullying now that they have children of their own…
As a parent it can be difficult to identify bullying as it's happening. Star parents @mcflyharry @Konnie_Huq discuss their own experiences of bullying in school, how to spot the signs of #bullying & ways to approach the subject with your child @bbcbitesize…
#AntiBullyingWeek, '#ReachOut', is about encouraging children, teachers and parents to speak up and talk to each other about bullying, in all its forms. This conversation can often be difficult @mcflyharry @Konnie_Huq #ParentsToolkit @marfevans @ABAonline…
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