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Nov 30th 2021
I'm tagging @TAGwriters because they've been one of the most vocal on this subject. Strap in, because I found my soap box and I'm coming out swinging! Also, please note, when I use "us," I know I'm not repped or staffed, but that doesn't mean I don't write and work toward (0/?)
Being there, in the rooms, shoulder to shoulder with the people who are every day in some way shape or form. I may not get a paycheck for it yet, but I AM an animation writer and WILL do everything I can to support my peers. Let's go! (0.5/?)
So some of you may have seen myself or others on your timeline using hashtags like #PayAnimationWriters or #NewDeal4Animation. There's a good reason for that. Animation writers are not getting their fair share. If you know anything about me, this directly effects (1/?)
Read 20 tweets
Nov 17th 2021
I do the SAME EXACT JOB as a high-level live action writer, yet I make 1/3 what live action does, all because the AMPTP refuses to pay us fair wages. It’s time for the studios to pay what they owe — if you love cartoons, join us in saying it’s time to #PayAnimationWriters
I feel VERY strongly about this, so in the lead-up to negotiations, I'm going to use this space to share my personal stories about being an animation writer, and why we need to make things better for ourselves and for the next generation. Stay tuned! #WePowerAnimation #WeAre839
While negotiations happen this week, I want to share some of my stories of working in animation, because the best way to show why we need to #PayAnimationWriters is to hear from us! Let's start my stories in the ancient bygone year of 2013... 1/8
Read 10 tweets

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