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Mar 11th 2021
FIRST UP!! #1 seed RED KANGAROO (Osphranter rufus) vs wild card winner SOUTHERN RED-BACKED VOLE (Myodes gapperi) #RedInFur #2021MMM
Red Kangaroos are the largest living marsupial, weighing in at up to 90kg & 1.8m tall when standing. Male red kangaroos are much larger than females, up to twice the size. Males are also reddish in color, while the females are bluish-grey (Freedman et al. 2020) #2021MMM
The hop of O. rufus averages 1m when the animal is moving slowly, but is lengthened with speed, up to 3–4 m. At short bursts, it can reach speeds of 40km/hr!! (Freedman et al 2020) #2021MMM
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